Sunday, 20 April 2014

London tube into a artist studio

This is the recycled tubes and they are put on top of buildings then painted. inside has been reformed into a work space. 
inside are left but because of thin surface it is cold in the winter and hot in the summer the trains system has been changed so it is like a work space such as auto doors.
this project cost was 32 grans but is giving young artists studio space for a cheap price of 15 pounds a week.

1 sqm house, Germany Berlin

This is the 1sqm house it is the smallest house on earth and has 5 modes like above. Made for under 180cm people and can be transported inside doors.Cost of only 250 euros and can be rented for 1 euro/night. This is truly the cheapest, smallest and multifunctional house in the world.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Worlds slimmest house, Poland

inserted in between two buildings only 92 cm to 152 cm the keret house is the slimmest house on earth. It is in Warsaw, Poland.